We’re the boondachshunds 👋
Ava, Dylan, Koa, Melon and Boomer. We’re currently traveling around the country, working remotely.
Ava Waits
In 2009, Ava Waits decided to take the majority of her work online and by phone. She did it so that if she were to receive a last-minute invitation to go to Paris, she would be able to say yes.
Today, Ava spends most of her time at www.AvaWaits.com, working as a speaker and business mentor providing sales and marketing guidance to entrepreneurs worldwide. She provides business strategies to professional photographers, along with health practitioners such as chiropractors, nutrition professionals, and therapists.
Ava previously worked in the field of travel nutrition. She was a consistent guest teacher at the Rick Steves headquarters in Washington State, where she taught guests how to travel healthy in Europe (Yes, it’s easier than you think to eat gluten-free in Italy).
Ava believes that making money should feel like bliss.
Dylan Houston
Dylan Houston was raised on the Island of Maui, and considers Best Foods Mayonnaise a primary food group.
He’s been working remotely since 2017, currently working with the amazing team at Tropic. He still has some fond memories of years prior spent chasing toner cartridges and wifi issues for the State of Washington.
Dylan is a passionate second generation explorer always looking for the next best green chili cheeseburger.
Koa Houston
Our newest nomad, Koa was born to us in the Summer of 2022 in the peak of the Southwest Summer. His favorite activities onboard are naps, anything to do with mom, and colorful books.
Melon Carlsbad Houston
Melon Carlsbad Houston (white with spots) came to the family in 2016, when she was 4 months old, unfortunately from a very traumatic first home. She was dark from cigarette smoke, was scared of doors opening, and would bark out of fear for hours. It took years of training and rehabilitation to get her to a somewhat normal level of being a dachshund.
Today Melon is still as loud as ever, but she is much more independent, yet often returns to the RV when we use the command “Go home.” Melon also lived with Ava and Dylan out on Maui, and is a pretty good airplane passenger. Even though she is fearful of some things, she has no fear of fireworks.
Boomer Cloudcroft Houston
Boomer Cloudcroft Houston (black and tan) came from a farm in Northern Florida, on New Years Day of 2020. He and Melon were born just months apart, but didn’t meet until he was 3 years old. It was a long-time wish for Melon to have her own service dog, to help her cope with the world, and Boomer is exactly that. He’s a mellow boy, who barely barks, unless it’s at a squeegee. He rests his head sweetly on Melon, comforts her under the covers at night, and is her good buddy on every walk. He’s also a pro at watching fireworks.